Today it’s time to BLAST the IDC and Simcha Felder with memes, infographics, and facts! Use our hashtags for maximum effect and follow our recommend list of people to tweet at.

Let them know how you feel about them kneecapping progressive legislation on voting reform, juvenile justice and public education spending in order to get personal perks from the Republicans. These bills were passed by the Democrat-controlled State Assembly only to DIE in the Republican-controlled State Senate because of their “majority coalition” with the IDC and Simcha Felder.

  1. If you haven’t already, read, download and share our info sheets on our three main campaign issues: voting reform, juvenile justice, and public education spending.
  2. Download our infographics on the issues and funny memes, study the #hashtags, and read our directions for how to get the word out on social media!
  3. Share this content on your FB page, your Twitter, Instagram and other social media!
  4. Share and retweet our posts on your page and the pages of other groups you belong to. And DON’T FORGET to link to http://makeNYtrueblue.org.
  5. Check out the rest of our website for more information on the IDC and how the budget works


Did you plan a CREATIVE DEMONSTRATION In front of your Senator’s district office yet? Contact us directly to find out what’s happening in your district or to get ideas for planning your own protest. We have some seriously fun things in store for these turncoats…

And get ready for our next actions…

WEDNESDAY – Write a letter to your State Senator or your local paper 

THURSDAY – Telephone your State Senator 

FRIDAY – Flyers and Fun

Also, as you engage in direct actions, please take a minute to fill out our Action Response form — we’d like to know how everything goes!