Now thru Jun. 21st: Let’s Turn Up the Volume On Election Reform!

Now thru Jun. 21st: Let’s Turn Up the Volume On Election Reform!
Hello activists!
We’re not tired of winning yet – but we might be the victims of our own success. Having passed historic reforms, our state legislators can easily move on to other issues, leaving important parts of voting rights undone. Our leaders need to be reminded that Common Cause and Let NY Vote activists are fighting for what a majority of voters in New York want.
This is where the larger membership of Common Cause can help. There are 60,000+ responsive members around the state who want to see democracy function better in Albany. Now, with a reform-minded legislature, these members see that real change is possible. This is our opportunity to mobilize them to contact their elected officials on a regular basis and especially at strategic moments when key legislation needs to be moved.
The most effective way to reach out to these members is by phone and text banking using Common Cause’s tailored call lists, scripts and texting app. From now until the legislative session ends, we will be calling and texting CC members to push their reps to fund early voting, and pass automatic voter registration, electronic poll books and other pending bills as they work their way through committees and the legislature.
Would you be able to devote an hour or more a week to texting or calling?
Please sign up on this form and be sure to indicate whether you would like to phone and/or text bank, and if you would like to work from home or from the Common Cause office on weekday evenings. Training will be provided.
Many of you were phone banking and texting volunteers with Common Cause in the past. I hope you’ll put your experience and enthusiasm to work again this year. The more of us who participate, the more people we can reach! This is how we can expand our influence way beyond our numbers!
Additional Details
Type - Phoning
Issue - Voting/Campaign Finance
This action can be run from anywhere - Yes
Event country - Germany