We’ve created a simple “chain-letter” email to help get the word about about how the IDC, Governor Cuomo and Simcha Felder are enabling Trump’s agenda in NY State.

Please send this email out to your friends, family members and neighbors, the people that know and trust you.
Here’s how:

1. Click the appropriate link below and the email will automatically populate in your email program, as long as you’re logged into it on the same device.
2. Fill in the emails of people you’d like to send it to, and of course, feel free to personalize it as you wish.
3. Click SEND!


Email this chain letter to your friends using Gmail

Email this chain letter to your friends using Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.

If you would prefer to cut & paste the text yourself, see below:

Full text of email:

Subject: Think NY is a blue state? Think again!

Hello friends and family, I hope you are all well. If you are like me, you have been spending too much time fretting about Trump and all the Republican victories.

Well, we have a significant local political problem caused by NY state senators, elected as Democrats, who give the majority to the Party of Trump. The Senators I’m referring to are Simcha Felder, who caucuses directly with the Republicans, and the 8 members of the Independent Democratic Conference (IDC).Click on the following link to view a 2 min IDC explainer video: https://www.thecreativeresistance.us/lulu-land. Jeff Klein, head of the IDC, has specifically stated he wants to keep Republican leadership in power. They get perks as a result of this defection, some possibly illegal.  Gov. Cuomo is not pressuring them to rejoin the fold. Their existence helps insure that progressive legislation related to healthcare, education, housing, immigration, criminal justice, etc. that has passed in the Assembly, dies in the Senate.

So what can you do?

• If you live in NY, but are not sure who represents you, find your NYS senator here:https://www.nysenate.gov/find-my-senator.

• If you are an IDC constituent, call your senator to let them know you are watching and will not be voting for them unless they commit to being true Democrats now and going forward.

• Educate others with this “chain letter” email by sending this to at least 5 people you know personally.

• When the time comes next September, vote in the primary and vote them out!

• Stay informed Check out the True Blue website:  https://makenytrueblue.org

Remember, all politics is local. We can make a difference right in our own backyards. Together, let’s Trump-proof our State and make NY true blue!

Thank you! Please don’t hesitate to be in contact with questions or ideas.

(Your closing and name)